Welcome to my Website!

I've recently started with both gardening and drawing and I think having a place to document my advances (at least in the gardening field) would be quite nice, also, I really liked the domain "inmemoriam" for no particular reason, but alas, it was taken, so this is the second (but not necesarily worse) option. Neocities.

I'm planning on making this site extra nice, maybe some green for the background, some ancient gifs and a showcase for the plants. A comment/suggestion would be really cool, in case someone who actually knows how to manage plant life happens to try and lend me advice on not killing things so quickly. Also, this site will hopefully be changed quite frequently, mainly changing text and things of the sort. i didn't want to forget how to use the bold or the italic text.

Lake Baikal for good measure, props to Alexey Trofimov for the shot:

Here's how to make a list:

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!